To: Panaeros Subject: Your Website Hi... I wasn't able to sleep tonight. And, after exploring link upon link, wound up at your website. I just finished reading every word. Really....every word. Read them in your specified order too...:)~~~ . Just wanted to let you know that I was very impressed (a bit mesmerized actually) with your thoughts on D/s. A real person emerged off that page. You do sound so highly intelligent....and CARING. I know this would sound insane to someone who doesn't understand D/s.... but , what I "heard" is that you really love women! Your sentences were like a gentle intoxicating. I'm not responding to your post [personal Ad], but guess I simply felt compelled to write. I'm quite a bit older than you (43) and married. Prior to marriage (mine is vanilla btw) I did have one long term relationship that enjoyed a fair amount of D/s "play". I loved it...we had a wonderful time....soooooo intense. I really like and am comfortable with my sexual/sensual nature. And, am able to express this within my marriage. But, my husband is just not the "dom" type. So, every once in awhile I like to peruse the D/s 'stuff' online.....(and live vicariously through what I So now.... aren't you glad you have a web-page? How wonderful to be regaled with mail from strange (adrenalin starved) women living in California at 1:28AM! Good luck with your post :) Donna